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Blue's Cargo Pants for Nardoragons

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Blue's Cargo Pants for Nardoragons


This Asset for The Nardoragon contains the following:

-The Pants as a .unitypackage file. (Containing an FBX and PREFAB file as well as the Materials for the design seen in the pictures.)
-The Pants as a .fbx file.
-The Piercings as a .blend file.
-The Substance Painter file to create your own design.

They come with ShapeKeys for hiding the belt and changing the shape to fit female Nardos.

This Asset does not come with the Nardoragon Avatar.

Nardoragon can be purchased here:

The Default Material Uses Poiyomi Toon 8.0.426 Shaders:

How to Add:

To add these Pants to your avatar, simply import the .unitypackage file to your Project.
Drag the BluesCargoPants.prefab onto your avatar. VRCFury helps setting everything else (bone parenting, toggles) up so you dont have to do anything else, unless you want to, of course.

Get VRCFury Here:

Any further questions regarding this asset can be discussed on:


Discord: bluefurr.

You may not resell or share this asset. You may use it on public avatars and your own.

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The Assets, containing the .fbx and .unitypackage file as well as the .blend file to eddit and/or to put on your avatar directly and a .spp file to edit the textures to your likeing.

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