Cage Muzzle for Nardoragon
This Asset for The Nardoragon contains the following:
-The Asset as a .unitypackage file. (Containing an FBX and 2 different style materials, which can be changed to your likeing.
-The Asset as a .fbx file.
-The Asset as a .blend file.
-The Assets .spp file for texturing.
This Asset does not come with the Nardoragon Avatar.
The Old Muzzle only has Visemes Blendshapes, the 3.1 Version also comes with expression Blendshapes like "Happy" or "Sad".
Nardoragon can be purchased here:
The Default Material Uses Poiyomi Toon 8.0.426 Shaders:
How to Add:
To Add the Asset, I reccomend using VRCFury as the asset and .PREFAB already are set up so that you only have to drag the .PREFAB onto your avatar and The Armature Link is done on its own.
-First Import the VRCFury and Poiyomi unitypackage.
-Import the CageMuzzle.unitypackage file as the last one.
-Drag the CageMuzzleVar1.prefab or CageMuzzleVar2.prefab onto your avatar
The Muzzle comes with expression Blendshapes as well as Visemes Blendshapes for auto mouth movement in VRChat. For that to work it must be merged onto the avatars mesh in f.e. Blender. Because of the way VRC handles Visemes they can't all be merged with VRCFury.
It also has Female Blendshapes
Get VRCFury Here:
Any further questions regarding this asset can be discussed on:
Discord: bluefurr.
You may not resell or share this asset. You may use it on public, commissioned avatars as well as your own.
The Assets, containing the .fbx and .unitypackage file as well as the .blend file to eddit and/or to put on your avatar directly and a .spp file to edit the textures to your likeing.