Ear And Eye Piercings for Nardoragon
This Asset for The Nardoragon contains the following:
-The Piercings as a .unitypackage file. (Containing an FBX and PREFAB file as well as a Material for Golden Piercings, can be changed to your likeing)
-The Piercings as a .fbx file.
-The Piercings as a .blend file.
They come with ShapeKeys to hide any Piercing you like.
This Asset does not come with the Nardoragon Avatar.
Nardoragon can be purchased here:
The Default Material Uses Poiyomi Toon 8.0.426 Shaders:
How to Add:
To add these Piercings to your avatar, simply import the .unitypackage file to your Project.
Drag the Piercings.prefab onto your avatar and drag the bones under Armature into the corresponding Bones of the Avatars Armature.
If the ears of the Nardoragon suddenly are more stiff then they have been before thats because of the Phys bones.
Simply click on your avatars Armature and look for the VRC Phys Bone (Script) with the Ear1_R bone as the Root Transform and set the Multy Child Type to be either First or Average.
Any further questions regarding this asset can be discussed on:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blue.furr/
Discord: bluefurr.
You may not resell or share this asset. You may use it on public avatars and your own.
The Assets, containing the .fbx and .unitypackage file as well as the .blend file to eddit and/or to put on your avatar directly.